Red Ribbon Week: Preventing Substance Use Through Mindfulness

Healthy coping strategies, like mindfulness, can help us to build resilience in response to challenging circumstances and events. When we learn to cope in healthy ways, we are less likely to turn to drugs to deal with life’s challenges. 

 Take a moment to try one of the following suggestions by the National Institute on Drug Abuse: 

  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. You can use a mindfulness app if you’d like!
  • Read or listen to a mindfulness passage (example).
  • Write about what’s on your mind.
  • Write down 10 things you feel grateful for.
  • Practice guided imagery.
  • Exercise (either aerobic, like dancing along with music videos, or stretching, like yoga).
  • Listen to music that helps you relax.

Follow our counselor, Ariel, as he guides you through mindfulness sessions.

Mindfulness for kids… and adults!